Young Adults

If you are 18-29 years old, this is the group for you!


in 2007, when Faith Community Church developed a group to meet the needs of young adults (18-29 yrs.) in Janesville, WI and surrounding Rock County. We are a diverse mix of College students and 20 somethings that want to experience the fullness of life that Jesus offers to us in John 10:10.

Let's face it. Life can be tough on YAPs (young adult persons), and it can be so easy just to go on autopilot coasting through making the easy choices, following the well paved roads of school, job, family, and perhaps a sprinkle of religion - you know just in case. But what many don't realize is that choosing what's easy most often leads to boredom, dissatisfaction and a downward spiral of searching out one form of entertainment after another.

At Young Adult Group, we refuse to take the easy way out. We confront the challenges of life with the belief that God has a purpose for each one of us. The Bible gives us the principles we need to accept each challenge and to not only "make it through", but to win significant victories that improve our lives and the lives of those around us.


Meets on Tuesday evenings September - May at the home of P. Jesse and his family. We gather at 7pm and try to finish up by 9(ish)pm. During the summer we take a break from our weekly Bible study but still get together on other days/times. Get in touch with P. Jesse to find out when our next activity is.