Care Facility Netowrk


We assume that your presence here means that you are passionate about the total health and well-being of your residents. We want to let you know that you are not alone in that passion! Through many of our own church members, we are well aware of the emotional and relational toll that 2020 has placed on so many who reside in facilities just like yours. The isolation from cherished friends and loved ones has been particularly difficult and has placed an extra burden on the staff who serve at these facilities.

But challenges, like the pandemic, often push us to be better, personally and organizationally. The resulting restrictions on our in-person gatherings has pushed us to improve the experience that we are able to offer to our online campus. As a church, we've invested thousands of dollars this past year in order to maximize our online experience and we are so glad to offer you the opportunity to take advantage of this investment.

Please take just a few moments to register by clicking the button above. This simply lets us know that you are participating so our team can be lifting up your staff and residents in our prayers. We also invite you to take a look at the video of our most recent service. If you have any questions, please feel free to email our team leader, Dave Hodges, here.

Thank you for all you do. We look forward to partnering with you in bringing encouragement to your residents.