Bringing People to Faith and Maturity in Christ!
Check out our campuses in both Janesville WI and South Beloit IL.
Janesville services are led by Pastor Jeff Williams and Pastor Samuel Torres;
Stateline services are led by Pastor Dayv Raleigh.
Janesville services are led by Pastor Jeff Williams and Pastor Samuel Torres;
Stateline services are led by Pastor Dayv Raleigh.
Tune into our Livestream!
We host and livestream services every weekend.
See our upcoming Janesville stream here!
Janesville: 5:00pm Saturday | 8:30am, 10:00am, and 12:30pm Sunday.
Click the button below to view past livestreams and sermons.
See our upcoming Janesville stream here!
Janesville: 5:00pm Saturday | 8:30am, 10:00am, and 12:30pm Sunday.
Click the button below to view past livestreams and sermons.
Check Out Our Stateline Livestream!
Our Stateline Church livestreams services as well! Check out the upcoming stream here.
Stateline: 10:30am Sunday
Stateline: 10:30am Sunday
Movie Night at Faith!
Hey everyone! We are happy to be able to bring you this excellent movie from the producers of War Room, Courageous, Fire Proof, etc... This is Pastor Tim’s favorite that they’ve done to date. The Forge speaks to the power of having other people in our lives who will help us to become the people God has called us to be. Join us in the sanctuary for this movie and feel free to invite all of your friends! May God use this movie to inspire many to live more fully for the mission of Christ. Please share this info with anyone you think might be interested. Thank you for helping us to get the word out!

Growing up together
Join Pastor Tim in a discussion about four phases of spiritual growth that we see in every believer’s life. We’ll talk about how God wants to use you as a part of His master plan to reach the world with His love.
This class is broken down into four six-week segments: Plant, Water, Grow, Harvest. We’ll be doing two segments this spring, and two segments in the fall. Our first class will take place on Sunday, February 16th, at 8:30am in the classroom. There is no cost for this class and each participant will receive a workbook. I’m really looking forward to seeing what God has in store for our lives through this class! Email Pastor Tim with questions at
Register online at
This class is broken down into four six-week segments: Plant, Water, Grow, Harvest. We’ll be doing two segments this spring, and two segments in the fall. Our first class will take place on Sunday, February 16th, at 8:30am in the classroom. There is no cost for this class and each participant will receive a workbook. I’m really looking forward to seeing what God has in store for our lives through this class! Email Pastor Tim with questions at
Register online at
Mending the Soul
If you or someone you know has experienced past abuse, we are pleased to announce Mending the Soul group will be offering its next session and will be starting Thursday, February 20th!
Mending the Soul is different from most support groups as it is a small, closed, confidential group meeting about past abuse. It is an intensive workbook study. We work through biblically-based, psychologically-proven resources for healing from trauma and abuse. Mending the Soul meets every other week here at Faith Janesville, times to be determined.
If you are a woman who has experienced emotional, psychological, spiritual, physical or sexual abuse, we want to help. The first step towards healing is to commit to the healing process. It takes courage to face your pain, but it is in the pain that you will experience God face-to-face as He heals your deepest wounds! You will not be alone.
If this sounds like something God is leading you to partake in, please reach out to a facilitator today!
Inquire about joining the group by emailing:
Mending the Soul is different from most support groups as it is a small, closed, confidential group meeting about past abuse. It is an intensive workbook study. We work through biblically-based, psychologically-proven resources for healing from trauma and abuse. Mending the Soul meets every other week here at Faith Janesville, times to be determined.
If you are a woman who has experienced emotional, psychological, spiritual, physical or sexual abuse, we want to help. The first step towards healing is to commit to the healing process. It takes courage to face your pain, but it is in the pain that you will experience God face-to-face as He heals your deepest wounds! You will not be alone.
If this sounds like something God is leading you to partake in, please reach out to a facilitator today!
Inquire about joining the group by emailing:

Baptism Class
Hey everyone! Have you ever considered taking a step of faith and professing your devotion to God through baptism? We’ll be doing a baptism on Sunday, March 2nd at the end of the 10am service. There will be a mandatory baptism class on Saturday, February 22nd, at 6:15pm in the classroom. Please share this with anyone you know that might want to get baptized. Thanks for your help in getting the word out. Please contact Pastor Tim at with questions or for more information.
It's almost time family and friends!
For questions contact Jacob at:

Baking Volunteers Needed!
Please add this to the next Faith Newz. Thanks!
Do you know any bakers? We could use their help! We’re looking for cookies, brownies, or other treats that we could package up and distribute to our guests at Feed Your Soul every Tuesday. Please help us to get the word out. Baked goods can be dropped off at the church on any weekday during business hours. There is a cart just outside of the church office where you can deliver them. Thanks for your help, everyone!
Do you know any bakers? We could use their help! We’re looking for cookies, brownies, or other treats that we could package up and distribute to our guests at Feed Your Soul every Tuesday. Please help us to get the word out. Baked goods can be dropped off at the church on any weekday during business hours. There is a cart just outside of the church office where you can deliver them. Thanks for your help, everyone!
Feed Your Soul Ministry
We are serving our community by providing a free weekly meal on Tuesdays out of our new commercial kitchen! With over 400 meals a week, be sure to join us or pass the message along to those in need. Click the button below for more information!

Janesville Address and Services
2931 Lucerne Drive Janesville WI
Sunday Mornings
8:30am, 10:00am, (English) 12:30pm (Bilingual)
Sunday Mornings
8:30am, 10:00am, (English) 12:30pm (Bilingual)
Saturday Evenings
5:00pm (English)
5:00pm (English)
Stateline Address and Services
1401 Blackhawk Boulevard South Beloit IL
Sunday Mornings
9:00am, 10:30am
Sunday Mornings
9:00am, 10:30am