Get Involved!

 A ministry like this takes many hands. Please take a look at the areas of need below and prayerfully consider how God might want to use you to minister to the needs in our community.
If you would like to be a regular part of ministry at Faith, you will want to be sure to attend one of our GPS Workshops in the near future. The workshops are held the second Sunday of the month at 11:30 am in the classroom/library.

For more information about how you can get involved, please contact Rick Lowry at

Visit to find out even more about this amazing ministry!

Prayer Team

Praying for this ministry is essential. A leader and team members are needed to seek the Lord’s guidance as we launch Feed Your Soul.

Cooking Team

Preparing simple, homemade casseroles each Tuesday is the main function of this team, an ideal volunteer job for those who enjoy cooking.
Prep time is about 3 hours per week. Ideally, if we have enough teams, each cooking team will work once per month.

Cleanup Team

This team washes the pots, dishes, and utensils used by the cooking team in meal preparation.
About 2 hours per week. If there are enough volunteers, each cleanup team will work once per month.

Communication Team

This team is responsible for creating awareness of Feed Your Soul across the Janesville community through outreach to leaders, agencies, churches, and other organizations. We seek individuals who are “connected” in Janesville to facilitate communication of FYS’s mission, the service being provided, and the opportunity for organizations to get involved.
The team will update pastoral leadership and the congregation on progress, people needed, and financial status.
More time expected initially, ~10 hours per month, less as we progress.

Meal Packing Team Leaders

Each week, a meal packing team will pack dinners into to-go containers and bag up the meal along with the gospel message and a dessert.
Each team leader will recruit their own team of 6-8 volunteers.
About 1 hour each scheduled workday. Teams will be scheduled to serve anywhere from 2-4 times per year.

Outreach/Meal Distribution Teams

This team interacts with guests, handing out meals and cultivating relationships with guests. Therefore, team members must enjoy building relationships as well as being equipped to share the gospel message created by gospel message writing team and praying with/for guests as needed. Ideally, this team is consistent from week to week to maximize relationship building.
About 2 hours weekly.

Gospel Message - Writing Person/Team

2 people (to switch off) needed to write a weekly gospel message that is approved by Faith pastor.
Format message and email to church office for printing.
Quantities determined by Message Information Team.

Transportation Team

This team is responsible for creating the serving non-driving guests who are unable to get to Faith to pick up meals without some kind of transport assistance. Creative thinkers are needed to come up with creative solutions.
More time expected initially, ~10 hours per month, less as we progress.

Outreach & Meal Distribution Team

This team interacts with guests, handing out meals and cultivating relationships with guests. Therefore, team members must enjoy building relationships as well as being equipped to share the gospel message created by gospel message writing team and praying with/for guests as needed. Ideally, this team is consistent from week to week to maximize relationship building.
About 2 hours weekly.

Baking Team

Sign up to bake and donate desserts.

Guest Contact Group

Weekly texting to all regular guests. This information is another avenue for cultivating relationships while also serving to determine the quantity of food to prepare.