Upcoming Topics for 2025!

March 23 :  Roller Skating Party 6-9pm at Edgerton TriCounty Community Center (112 N. Swift Street)
March 30 :  God vs Satan Part 10

April 6:   God vs Satan Part 10
April 13: God vs Satan Part 11
April 20: Passion of the Christ Movie Night
April 28: God vs Satan Part 12

May 4 God vs Satan Part 13
May 11: No Youth Group due to Mother's Day
New Series: Angels and Demons

May 18: Angels and Demons Part 1
May 25: Angels and Demons Part2

June 1: Angels and Demons Part 3
June 8: Senior Sunday
June 15: No Youth Group due to Father's Day

June 16-19 Youth Ark Encounter and Creation Museum Trip
New Series: All Out War

June 22: Preventing Truth Decay
June 29: Getting Dressed for the Right Occasion

July 6: Are Your Feet Ready
July 13: Flame Resistant Faith
July 20: Protecting Your Mind
July 27: No Youth Group due to Kidz Camp!

August 3: Never Retreat
New Series: Hooked  - "Don't Take the Bait of Temptation"

August 10:  Don't Bite (Dealing with Temptation)
August 17: TBA
August 24: Youth Rally at Bethel
August 31:  Swim in Schools—Temptation & Friendships

September 7:  Get Rid of the Hook
September 14: Swim Free
New Series: The Gospel Journey

September 21:  The Gospel Journey
September 28:  God Created Us to Be With Him

 October 5: Our Sins Separate Us From God
 October 12:   Sins Cannot Be Removed By Good Deeds
October 19:  Paying the Price For Sin
October 26:  Everyone Who Trusts in Him Alone

November 2: Life With Jesus Starts Now and Lasts Forever
November 9 Gospel Journey Finale
November 16: No Youth Group due to the Fall Retreat!
November 23: 18th Annual Youth Hoedown!

New Series: ACT, LOVE, WALK

November 30: ACT
December 7: LOVE
December 14: WALK
December 21: The Nativity Movie Night
December 28: No Youth Group

NEW SERIES: Creation vs Evolution

 January 4:  Six Days of Creation
January 11:  The Fall of Man
January 18:  Dinosaurs
January 25:  Noah’s Ark

February 1:  The Biblical Answer to Racism
February 6-8:  Youth Winter Retreat
February 15:  Fraudulent Information
February 22:  Why Does It Matter What I Believe

March 1:  Biblical Compromise
March 8:  Evolution vs God
March 15:  Ancient Man
March 22:  God of Wonders
March 29: God's Incredible Design
New Series: End Times Madness!

April 5:  No Youth Group due to Easter
April 12:  End Times Madness Part 1
April 19:  End Times Madness Part 2
April 26: End Times Madness Part 3

May 3:   End Times Madness Part4
May 10: No Youth Group due to Mother's Day
May 17: End Times Madness Part 5
May 24:  End Times Madness Part 6
May 31: Youth Cook-Out

June 7:  End Times Madness Part 7
June 14:  Senior Sunday
June 21:  No Youth Group due to Father's Day
June 28: TBA

New Series: No Ordinary Joe!

July 5: The Diamond in the Rough (God’s Shaping of Character)
July 12 : Fighting the Urge (Temptation)
July 19:  Succeeding at Suffering (Patience)
July 26: No Youth Group due to Kidz Camp

August 2:  The Signs of the Wise (Wisdom/Experience)
August 9:  Toward Absolute Forgiveness (Forgiveness/Repentance)
August 16: TBA
August 23: Youth Rally at Bethel Church
August 30: Back to School Kick-Off


September 6: The Younger Son
September 13: The Older Son
September 20: The Father
September 27:  Life: Is this It?
October 4: Jesus: Who Is He?
October 11: Cross: Why Did Jesus Die?
October 18: Faith: How Can I Have Faith?

October 25: Prayer: Why and How Do I Pray?
November 1: Bible: Why and How Do I Read the Bible?
November 8: Spirit: Who is the Holy Spirit and What Does He Do?
November 15:  No Youth Group due to Fall Retreat
November 22: 19th Annual Youth Hoedown
November 29:  How Can I Be Filled with the Holy Spirit?

December 6:  How Can I Make the Most of My Life?
December 13:  How Can I Resist Evil?
December 20: Healing: Does God Heal Today?
December 27:  No Youth Group

Topics for 2027!
January 3:   What About the Church?

NEW SERIES: The Power of Sex

January 10:  Distinguishing Truth From Lies
January 17:  What a Girl Wants
January  24:  Who A Guy Is 
January 31:  The "Word" on Sex
February 5-7: Winter Retreat
February 14:  How Far is Too Far?
February 21:  I've Messed Up, Now What?

NEW SERIES: Elijah: A Man of Heroism and Humility

February 28: Elijah Part 1

March 7:  Elijah Part 2
March 14: Elijah Part 3
March 21:  Elijah Part 4
March 28: Passion of the Christ Movie
April 4: Elijah Part 5

Type your new text here.
NEW SERIES: Epic Battles of the Old Testament

April 11: David and Goliath
April 18: David and His Mighty Men Part 1
Apri l 25: David and His Mighty Men Part 2

May 2: David and His Mighty Men Part 3
May 9: No Youth Group due to Mother's Day
May 16: Gideon's Army
New Series: How to Annoy Your Family

May 23: Making Changes that Will Surprise Everyone!
May 30: Are You Part of the Problem or the Solution?

June 6: God Can Heal Your Family's Pain
June 13: Senior Sunday
June 20: No Youth Group due to Father's Day
June 27: TBA

July 4:  No Youth Group to do Independence Day
New Series: When You Are Running on Empty

July 11:  Choosing What Matters Most - Lies That Keep Us Busy
July 18:  Stopping to Refuel
July 25: No Youth Group due to Kidz Camp

NEW SERIES: God's at War

August 1:  God's at War Part 1
August 8:  God's at War Part 2
August 15:  TBA
August 22:  God's at War Part3
August 29:  Youth Rally at Bethel

September 5:  God's at War Part4
September 12 God's at War Part 5
New Series: Demolishing Strongholds!

September 12: War of the Worldviews
September 19: War of the Worldviews Part 2
September 26: Evolution in Pop Culture
October 3: Evolution in Pop Culture Part 2
October 10: Proof of God?
October 17: Counterfeit Reality
October 24: Counterfeit Reality Part 2
October 31: 20th Annual Youth Hoedown

November 7: Answers to Difficult Issues: How to Share Your Christian Worldview
November 12-14: Youth Fall Retreat
November 21:  Answers to Difficult Issues: How to Share Your Christian Worldview Pt. 2
November 28: Simple Tools for Brain Surgery

December 5: Simple Tools for Brain Surgery Part 2
December 12: Special Forces for the Savior Part 1
December 19: Special Forces for the Savior Part 2
December 27: No Youth Group

NEW SERIES: He Did What? No Stinkin' Way!

April 2 Spitballs
April 9: Christian Vandalism
April 16: No Youth Group due to Easter!
April 23:  Eternal Bleeding
April 30: My Bacon is Evil

May 7: Jesus and the Zombie
May 14: No Youth Group due to Mother's Day
May 21: The Sand Doodler
May 28: All Up In My Kool-Aid

June 4; A Wee Little Man
June 11: Senior Sunday
June 18: No Youth Group due to Father's Day
June 25: TBA

NEW SERIES: Dare to be a Daniel!

July 2: When Your Whole World Falls Apart
July 9: Believing in the Impossible
July 16: Emerging from the Fiery Furnace
July 23: Insomnia, Insanity and Insight
July 30: No Youth Group due to Kidz Camp

August 6: The Lions in Daniel’s Den
August 13: TBA
August 20: TBA
August 27: Youth Rally at Bethel

September 3: Back to School Challenge
September 10: TBA
NEW SERIES: Life in 6 Words

September 17: “God”
September 24: “Our”

October 1: “Sins”
October 8: “Paying”
October 15: “Everyone”
October 22: “Life”

NEW SERIES: Road Rules for Real Life

October 29: Help! I'm Stressed Out!

November 5: Friendships and Stress
November 12: How to Make Good Decisions
November 17-19: Youth Fall Retreat
 November 26: Getting Guidance

December 3: Why Am I Here?
December 10: Successful or Significant?
December 17: Facing Your Fears
December 24: No Youth Group due to Christmas Eve
December 31: No Youth Group due to New Year's Eve


January 7:  Good Looking Feet
January 14: Everybody's Worshipping Something
New Series: Who Needs a Superhero?

January 21: Superman: The Saving Son From Above
January 28 The Hulk: The Monster Within

February 2-4 Winter Retreat
February 11: Batman: Guilt and Grace in Gotham City
February 18: Iron Man: Salvation by Success
February 25: Spider Man: Saved For Service

March 4: The X-Men: In the World but not of it
March 11: Fantastic 4: The Ties That Bind
March 18: Thor: Transformation
March 25: Captain America: Shielded From Sorrow

April 1: The Passion of the Christ Movie

April 8: Who Am I Beyond Sin?
April 15: Who Am I Beyond Religion?
April 22 : Who Am I Beyond Achievement?

April 29: The Passion of the Christ Movie
May 6: Who Am In Christ?
May 13: No Youth Group due to Mother's Day
May 20: Breathing Life into Others

NEW SERIES: The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

May 27: The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry Part 1

June 3: The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry Part 2
June 10: Senior Sunday
June 17: No Youth Group due to Father's Day
June 24:  The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry Part 3

Jul 1:  The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry Part 4
July 8:  The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry Part 5
July 15:  The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry Part 6
July 22: Strong Marriage Strong Family
July 29: No Youth Group due to Kidz Camp

August 5: Running From God (Jonah)
August 12: TBA
August 19: How to Deal with People Who Don't Like You
August 26: Youth Rally at Bethel

September 2: Back to School

New Series: Gospel Journey Maui

September 9: Is there a higher power?
September 16: What is the purpose of life? Part 1
September 23: What is the purpose of life? Part 2
September 30: Why are there so many religions and can they all be right?

October 7: Is it religion or relationship?
October 14: Why do bad things happen?
October 21: What happens after we die?
October 28: Who is Jesus?

November 4: What is Jesus' message?
November 11: Approaching the Throne of Grace
November 16-18: Youth Fall Retreat
November 25: Youth Hoe Down

NEW SERIES: One Month to Live

December 2: Determining What Matters Most
December 9: Deepening Relations That Matter
December 16: Leaving a Legacy
December 23: Youth Christmas Party
December 30: No Youth Group

Topics for 2030!
New Series: Life Hurts, God Heals

January 6: Admit Your Need For Help
January 13: Open Your Heart
January 20: Depend on Christ
January 27: Honestly Examine and Confess

February 1-3: Winter Retreat
February 10: Embrace God’s Way
February 17: Ask for Forgiveness
February 24: Live One Day at a Time
NEW SERIES: God vs Satan the First 4000 Years!

March 3: God vs Satan Part 1
March 10: God vs Satan Part 2
March 17: God vs Satan Part 3
March 24: God vs Satan Part  4
March 31: God vs Satan Part 5

April 7: God vs Satan Part 6
April 14: God vs Satan Part 7
April 21: No Youth Group due to Easter
April 28: God vs Satan Part 8

May 5:  God vs Satan Part 9
May 12: No Youth Group due to Easter
May 19 :  God vs Satan Part 10
May 26: God vs Satan Part11

June 2:  God vs Satan Part 12
June 9: Senior Sunday
June 16: No Youth Group due to Father's Day
June 23: God vs Satan Part 13