Student Leadership

Student Leadership Info

If you’re reading this, chances are your faith has grown to the point that you think you may be ready for student leadership in our youth ministry. However, you may be asking: What Is Student Leadership? Commitments are tough, and they often determine how we spend our time. The following pages will outline: What A Student Leader Is Committed To.  After checking out the commitments of a student leader, you’ll see that we’re expecting a lot from our student leaders; however, there are benefits and you’ll find that: High Requirements have High Rewards. To further our explanation of student leadership, we have provided: Two Pictures of A Student Leader. After taking a look at what it means to be a student leader, you might decide you want to begin the process and find out: How To Become A Student Leader. After you prayerfully consider your commitment to being a student leader, you will need to get a Student Leader Application and turn it in to Michael or Sarah.

What Is Student Leadership?

Jesus expected leaders to serve
Jesus gave his disciples an image of leadership that we use as our standard for student leadership within our high school ministry.

“Jesus called them [the disciples] together and said, "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave--just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Matt 20:25-28

Not only does Jesus shatter an existing leadership style (being in charge), but he lays out a prescription of a leader that reflects serving others.  Serving others is how we define ministry.

This type of servant-leadership is not attractive to most people. It goes in direct opposition to the attitude of running to the car to ride in the front seat and being first in line to eat. But this is the type of servant standard we want reflected by our student leadership.

What is the Difference between a Core Student and Student Leadership?

Core students attend both our large group and small group programs, are actively utilizing the Discipleship Tools that the youth ministry makes available (H.A.B.I.T.S.) and are involved in a behind the scenes ministry. Every person in student leadership is in the core, but not every core student is in student leadership. Student leadership is a program designed specifically for the core student who is willing the make the extra commitments to fulfill the youth ministry’s purpose. He or she agrees with the vision and the purpose of the ministry, respects the adult leadership as those who have been put in place by God in a position of spiritual authority, and is held to a much higher standard of accountability. We view student leadership on a similar level to our youth leaders.  Student leaders are student “staff.”

 What A Student Leader Is Committed To

Committed to a Relationship with Christ
 I acknowledge the Lordship of Jesus Christ in my life and have a personal relationship with him.
 Committed to Growing in Christ
I am committing to spiritual growth through regular involvement in our Wednesday night Teen Small Groups.

I am committing to spiritual growth through the habits of:
  • consistent quiet times (Quiet Time Journals)
  • accountability with another believer (Back2Back or Real Zeal)
  • memorization of scripture (Hidden Treasures)
  • involvement with church body (Regular attendance at Faith Community Church’s weekend services.)
  • giving (Bank of Blessings)
  • personal Bible Study (RootWorks)

 Committed to Serving Because of Christ
 I am committing to contributing to or leading a ministry on a consistent basis.

 Committed to Living a “No Doubt” Lifestyle
 I am committing to choices, lifestyle, and attitudes that are godly, knowing that my leadership is a model for other students.  

 Committed to Friendship Evangelism
 I am committing to Friendship Evangelism, and bringing my friends to appropriate programs.

 Committed to the Student Ministry
 I am committing to attend our large group Sunday night program, and Teen Community Group on a regular basis.
 I am committing to attend a non-negotiable, monthly student leadership meeting.
 I am committing to greet other students at all the programs I attend.
 I am committing to understand the purpose statement and to memorize it.
Soul Fuel Ministry exists to REACH unbelieving students, to CONNECT students with other believers, to CULTIVATE their relationship with Christ, to challenge those who are growing to DISCOVER their ministry, and to HONOR God with their whole being.

 I am committing to understand the planned values and the maturity process of the youth ministry programs.

 High Requirements - High Rewards

We’re asking a lot from student leaders and because of this, we realize leadership isn’t for everyone. Many students won’t want to rise to the high level of commitment, integrity, and character we are expecting. If student leadership isn’t for you, don’t worry about it. Not being involved in student leadership isn’t necessarily a measure of your spiritual maturity. We are committed to you and want to help you continue to grow spiritually regardless of your involvement.

Although we’re asking for a considerable commitment from our student leaders, there are also benefits. Student leadership has high requirements, but it also has high rewards. Part of the high reward student leaders receive is more intense and personal time with the youth ministry staff. We want to invest in the lives of our leaders. Just as Jesus ministered to masses, He also spent a great deal of time pouring His life into a small circle of people. As you also know, there are other fringe benefits, including the camping trip, the privilege of the possibility of serving at Kidz Camp, and the incredible experience and blessings you will receive being involved in ministry and learning spiritual truths through actual ministry experience that most Christian adults never learn due to a consumer mentality. (Attending church for years and being fed, but never giving of themselves back to God by utilizing their spiritual gifts to edify the body in ministry.)

To The Parents

We are especially concerned about the family life of our student leaders. We don’t want to create a ton of programs to keep students out every night of the week. Spiritual growth does not necessarily require sacrificing family time and commitments.  As far as a time commitment, we’re asking our leadership students to be out one night during the week (Wednesday night Teen Community Group), attend our large group Sunday night program, be a part of a ministry team (each requires different amounts of time), attend a monthly leadership meeting (two hours), and care for the All-Star ministry students at their schools.
What parents can expect from our youth ministry staff:
1. We will Model Christian leadership for your kids.
2. We will Mentor them in their leadership development.
3. We will Monitor their growth as student leaders.
4. We will Motivate them through encouragement and feedback.
5. We will encourage them to Multiply by sharing their giftedness with others.

Once your son or daughter has filled out the application and gone through the interview, we will ask you to give your permission (signature) to make sure you understand and can support the commitments we are looking for, and agree with the ministry philosophy of our church.

Two Pictures of a Student Leader
Profile of a Student Leader Who is Living a “No Doubt” Lifestyle
·         Accepting of others
·         Accountable to another Christian
·         Authentic and transparent
·         Encouraging
·         Faithful with the small things
·         Genuinely friendly
·         Growing spiritually
·         Helpful and serving
·         Honoring God by consistently choosing God’s way over the world’s way
·         Humble
·         Love for life
·         Positive attitude
·         Proud to be a devoted follower of Christ
·         Role model of a Christian student
·         Is quick to seek forgiveness when they have wronged someone.
Portrait of a Student Leader Who is Committed to the Student Ministry

·         Acts as a “campus minister” at school
·         Is committed to the unity of our youth ministry and feels a sense of ownership in the ministry
·         Follows up on weekend visitors and other students when back on campus
·         Greets on weekend large group times and other programs
·         Is involved in all of our major events
·         Looks out for loners and visitors
·         Meets with other student leaders to pray for their campuses
·         Models appropriate program behavior
·         Is on the lookout for opportunities to serve without being asked
·         Oversees and encourages at least one Ministry team
·         Solves youth ministry problems without complaining
·         Speaks highly of staff and other student leaders
·         Understands the purposes of why we do what we do
·         Follows the Matthew 18 principle by going to the person that they are having a problem with for a face to face talk instead of talking about that person with others.
·         Does not allow others to approach them and talk about problems they may be having with a third party, but gently encourages them to seek that person out and follow the Matthew 18 principle.